"Philosophy is a study of problems which are ultimate, abstract and very general. These problems are concerned with the nature of existence, knowledge, morality, reason and human purpose."

Jenny Teichmann and Katherine C. Evans, Philosophy: A Beginner's Guide (Blackwell Publishing, 1999), p. 1

Why does philosophy exist?

Is it to make sense of the incredible array of problems we have in the world?
Is it to negate the facts and let us find another reasoning behind an issue?
Is it to so call make a review of our lives and examine it?
Is it to improve ourselves?
Is it to make us feel better with this feeling that we actually know something?

Most people I've known and met in my whole freaking life talks about philosophy, theory, psychology and complexity. They come up with their 'interesting' ideas and stark 'evidence', clear comparisons and historical accounts then comes up with a conclusion and swoosh! stands proudly on their ground, claims something which doesn't even make sense. But then again, nothing ever makes sense right?
One word, WOW. Why wow? Because by this process of "philosophical thinking", humanity has abused it and seems to take into high consideration of their intellectuality. I've lived for only 18 years, 18 VERY SHORT years and here I am standing among these idiots who call themselves intellectuals.

First of all lets verify that I am in no intention of pointing to anyone, friend or foe. If you feel like I am talking about you then your fault lah. Not mine.

*to be continued


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