On the quiet streets of Buenos Aires, Carlos walks away. His footsteps were heavy and his heart was screaching her name. He was limping againts the wall to gain his steps. His hands were tainted with blood and his cheeks were streaming with tears of madness. And behind him suddenly, rang a shot.

It is the year 1854 during the fresh years of Bohemia. Artisans and young men travelling and migrating away from their home far away from the clutches their parents free of politics and embracing the new way of life. A young man from Spain, Carlos Esteviera, travels in hope of finding his true calling as an artist. Hearing of the beauty of the Rio de La Plata and the music of tango, he travels to Buenos Aires.

But it is there he discovers the sinful beauty of Roxanne Garay and how destructive is seduction. The desire of a man for his beloved. The passion of love between them that grows. But alas the suspicion that led to anger, betrayel and jelousy! And without trust, there is no love.

It is a tale of trust and love, but when love can be bought or sold, how can there be trust? And when there is no trust, how can there be love?

The economic bubble has already burst out in America and other western countries.

It is only a matter of time until Malaysia would feel its effect. We can't actually say that as a country which an economic sytem which is less America prone we won't feel much effects.

Its true that analyst are saying we won't feel much, but how much is this not-much-feeling?

1.The group of youth are definitely not feeling it. Reason is, we don't care.

2.They spend even more weirdly nowadays (remember the post about me going with Fahmi and Nabil to OU? )

3.Its a young trend to spend like crazy at shops like Zara and go fashion obsessed such as the new singlet style Top Man shirts.

4.This is BAD. Simple but really BAD.

5.We all know that Singapore are retrenching Malaysian workers out of their companies and sending back here.

6.Its just a matter of time many countries would do so. London has already announced sending Malaysians back here remember?

7.Using a professional foreign worker is costly for them and would increase the unemployment rate in their country. Why? simple, if we give jobs in our countries company then our people won't get it. And professional workers are paid much more than normal workers here. We know that foreign workers have quality. The same here , the same in other countries.

8.Malaysia has more than too-high unemployment rates!

9.When more Malaysians are sent back, that means the population increases. When population increases, the number of unemployed people increases regardless of professionality.

10.Therefore the risk are higher for all the workers as risk of losing their jobs are too due to competition. Hence, many more people being unemployed cannot be avoided.

11.Malaysians are very choosy! They always want good jobs. Never willing to work a bit hard for something small.

12.This makes it hard for the parents of youth who doesn't have a job/unemployed.

13.Worse is with the way the sellers are going, the prices would just be amounting higher. Dulu Nasi Pattaya 3.50, now 4.50! A RM1.00 difference is very high! And the irony is, the food becomes less.

14.That means consumers are being victimised! Who are the consumers? Us lah pandai!

15.But then with all these problems, the youth seems to be inconsiderate to their parents by spending blindly.

16.Now other than the points up there why are they like this? BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS GIVE YOU MONEY AND YOU TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!

17.Youth don't care because no matter what tey will continually be fed with money and doesn't realise whats happening to their parents account book.

18.There is no kesedaran.

19.If this goes on without any new proper financial management, it will definitely affect the larger community of workers in Malaysia as the constant demand for money becomes higher.

20.And when parents refuse to give in, the youth starts to rebel and having negative feelings towards the parent hence comes the issue of family problems.

21.There goes on the never ending cycle of negativity.

22.What more is the unemployment rates.

23.When more people are left unemployed, how else would these people pay for their expenses and such?

24.The task falls on the goverment where they would have to cater for these people whileour funds becomes lesser.

25.The irony of this matter however is that our country is not a welfare country.

26.In other contries, 52% tax pay cut is imposed upon its people whereas in our countries is much lesser. Bear in mind that their pay is much higher.

27.Where does this money goes to? To the welfare,education and the unemployed

28.Our country and its system however is not designed in that way.

29.Hence the unemployed would have to resort to other ways. Namely, crime

30.Malaysians should not take the economic crisis here too lightly as their youth are.

To be continued

Its confirmed! I'm in love with Peanuts the comic strip!

Charlie Brown, Lucy and Snoopy ROCKS!

Haha Hehe Hoho

This week as i read through a friends blog, i was shocked when reading a comment which unfortunately claims that invoking thoughts of peace was futile and useless in this world for now and ever. Saddened by this person's thought, i felt oblige to write an article of peace itself and what it means to me rather than writing about the harshness of war.

Peace is first of all an idea. An idealism of men where violence does not exist. It is not, i repeat NOT when violence is absent, when war does not occur. It is more than the absence of war. Peace is never absent nor has it ever happened. It is state of mind as you can say it. Hence firstly, peace is the idea.

The idea of peace in my context refers to the thought, or idea of men, women and children where negativity( or Batil as we Muslims calls it) does not exist. Let us not be confused between the phrase non-existence and absence. Non-existence refers to which something, somewhat, events etc etc does not happen and shall never happen whereas absence however is at state of change. At one time war can happen and at one time one it can stop but at the same time it can be started all over again. I guess you could say that it is a never ending cycle of horrible miseries and nightmares except for this nightmare is happening.

In an event of when war is absent, or no war, peace is still nothing. In those and similar kinds of events, people tend to forget their wishes of peace. The urgency of peace is gone. When people forget it, they find no use of it thinking that they are living in peace where truthfully living in this peace is like a mirage which blinds them until a certain point of time someone gets shot, killed and war is started all over again and then we start to have ideas of peace and yearns for it. However the idea of their common peace is different as it is only associated with that event not occurring.

What happens when it is gone? Is peace achieved and everyone lives happily ever after or is it absent and we must preserve the idea of peace and yearns for it ever after.

Peace can act in many different and peculiar manners. Most of the time, without us realizing, especially in the current tides of war, we yearn for peace more than ever. Never the less it is good, this is not the exemplary act of peace as this shows how easily people can forget things and to take it into granted.

When in a situation of war, then starts the existence of peace inside their mind. This is what i interpret peace as. It is an idea. A yearning, a determination towards something that is associated with love, care and passion towards the living. Whereas the peace that is commonly interpreted now is defined commonly as a state in which war is absent.

However this idea cannot in any way as to be let off just alone as an idea. It is in this role that the concept of understanding comes into hand. A small idea by itself is fruitless and brings nothing.

To scientists and inventors, an idea is like a small tree. When we want the fruit, we can't just expect for the tree to pop out one fruit. We must cater to the needs of the tree taking care of it. We give it water, we pour the fertilizers and we allow for it to receive sunlight. As time goes by, the tree grows and when it is strong and tall, it will grow out the fruits that we want. Similar to an apple tree, ideas too needs to expand in order to grow out and produce the results wanted.

Without expanding the idea of peace there can be no ideas of it at all. We can do this by acting against the acts of war,spreading this idea, protesting, boycott and blogging/writing about peace and war.

BUT one very simple way( if your just too lazy to do anything else) is by having faith in the idea of peace.

The question here is not if its enough or anything else but is it worth having faith in it?

With all the destruction, misery and hate around, is having faith in the idea of something that seems impossible worth it?

My answer is a thundering yes.

The idea of peace is not any kind of simple idea. It is an idea which any man can covet but can only be achieved if accepted first. Having faith in the idea of peace is accepting and embracing the idea itself. If the idea is not accepted, then wouldn't it be better if we just get on with it by blowing up Palestine?

Why not just blow up Malaysia while we're at it?

Faith in the idea of peace is not a ridicule. Faith is what pushes us in our road to achieve it. The faith in peace is the silence that speaks for many of the victims and the suffered ones.

To start fighting the realization of this idea, to make it come true starts with having faith and believing in it.

Fighting towards making an idea come true only makes sense when we actually believe in it. Does it makes sense if we don't even accept and believe in the idea but we still fight for it?
If it does then go check with a psychiatrist. :P

Many say that to have faith in this is a futile attempt let alone to speak for it.

But let it be remembered that in our acceptance of this idea there shall be many who will criticize our faith and beliefs. And we have to accept their existence. We have to muster the courage and continue in our path for in a path as this, we need to have the courage of a soldier. To sacrifice or put at risk our lives and our faces to achieve this is important.

May other critic our views and opinions but never let them waver our faith in it. Peace may have its victories and it takes brave men and women to achieve and spread this idea.

As John Lennon once quoted 'Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one'.

I guess all that I'm saying is give peace a chance


I've decided to post up a few interesting thing's about Islam( my religion ehem ehem).
Somehow i don't dare much to write about what's in exactly in the Quran cause for me it's just too beautiful and for a person sejahil and unknowledgable of me to write it is not the right thing to do. I wish to one day be able to but it is until I have the right and precise knowledge of the writings of the Quran.

But seing as this is a good thing to do in blogs, I'll randomnly put up a few post concerning on my religion such as today's Doa Taubat.

You all can choose to just skip this if your not Muslims cause I'm not intending to change anyone's religion or anything at all! Just that I feel better if i can actually do something. I hate feeling useless. And I really like reciting Doa Taubat. It really sounds very nice and beautiful to me lah so yeah and i guess, its just that you won't ever get tired of it, ever and I'm serious about that!!

It's like Raihan's nasyid version

Okay! Here's DOA TAUBAT

Arabic:(but in verses and lines and in letter writing)

Ilaahi lastu lilfirdausi ahla
walaa aqwaa 'alannaaril jahimi
fahabli taubatan waghfir dzunuubi
fa innaka ghoofiruddzambil 'adziimi

Dzunuubi mitslu a'daadir rimaali
fahablii taubatan yaa dzaljalaali
wa'umrii naaqishun fiikulliyaumi
wa dzambii zaa-idum kaifahtimali

Ilaahi 'abdukal 'aashi ataaka
muqirron biddzunuubi waqod da'aaka
fa in taghfir fa anta lidzaaka ahlun
wa in tadrud faman narjuu siwaka


Wahai tuhan,
Aku tak layak masuk syurgamu,
Namun tak pula aku sanggup ke nerakamu,
Ampunkan dosa dan terimalah taubatku,
Sesungguhnya engkaulah pengampun dosa-dosa besar,
Dosa-dosaku bagaikan pepasir dipantai,
Dengan rahmatmu ampunkan daku,
Oh tuhanku,
Wahai tuhan,
Selamatkan kami ini,
Dari segala kejahatan dan kecelakaan,
Kami takut kami harap kepadamu,
Suburkanlah cinta kami kepadamu,
Kamilah hamba yang berharap belas darimu.

Thats it! :). For muslims, trylah hafal! It sounds really nice okay.

Hey hey Ho Ho, i just came back from One Utama just now. Fahmi ajak teman go buy something for his urm...friend? lol. Hard to say what she is to him. So ajak Nabil also and he bought an MP3! Walaweyh loaded people!
Eh, I didn't buy anything cause tryng to save money now. Fahmi was balddd (or Motte as Indians say it in Tamil), well so was Nabil but I've seen Nabil bald before.

Well so yeah here's Fahmi's picture as a bald man!! Huahahahoho.

Funny kan? xD. Okay fine it's not :P

SO he bought the second book from the Twilight series..urm..whats it called again...
Ah! Baru Bulan. Yeah that was it. I had to be thick faced and asked this hot bodied chick if it was the second book! We all talked a bit about our lives expecially theirs in PLKN right now. As usual a bit of girls! Haha and then came back.

Walowh i tell you ah. Both of them like hot stuff weyh. Nabil has got it going on with this chinese chick but no, they haven't couple yet. It's just that they're friends and they talk a lot together calling the girl with sweet cute names which i can never do. The most i can call another girl other than her name is like urm mostly.....Miss (put girl name here). Nabil sudah maju eh.

Fahmi ah! The playboy hotstuff as usual oh.

And I think so far I'm like the one most far from falling into a relationship. It's not like I don't like anyone in which case I do but i think that the probability of anything more than not-so-complete stranger kind of relationship is the closest I'll ever get since its also a fact that I'v also seen her once but we do chat but that's not even friendship with a girl so it's kind of a confusing thing with this girl but I'm not that confused just that I'm unsure of what to do cause she is so.. interesting.

Haih, the thing woman do.


Okay yeah so that was it. It was fun i guess :).

This year can be perhaps regarded as a good year for the fans of a few old anime series. It has been announced that the movies Astroboy animated and Dragonball live action ( or Dragonball Evolution) are coming out this year. Our beloved old characters such as Son Goku, the blue-haired hottie Bulma and perverted Roshi is finally going to star in their own life version. I can't actually express how happy I am knowing that they're going to do a live action version of my most favoured anime last year!

But as happy as I am, the westerners and those Hollywood jerks are always up with their antics!

Anime and other form of cartoon drawings have always been the Asian pride. It has always been enjoyed by young boys to old ladies. Internationally it has always been recognised even faster before Jackie Chan and Stephen Chow. Before there was cool swift kicking choreagraphed martial arts stunts there was the cool addictive image of anime. The legacy of Anime drawings have existed till today where you can see cartoons such as Totally Spies and others who clearly follows anime style drawings. Made famous in Japan where the birth of cartoons such as Captain Tsubasa, Dragonball, Blackjack and Ranma 1/2, the anime frenzy spread far wide even to people half way around the world.

Unfortunately for us, it seems that the westerners are always the one who seems to hold the larger stick. They buy the rights of these anime series and turns it their way. And when they do so, it is ALWAYS the westerners who potray the pratogonist. They have to always be the hero. It's always them who must be the knight in shining armor, grab the extremely hot Asian chick and have sex on the bed (sometimes not on the bed though) at the end of the day.

They've turned our heritage, our legacy and our stories to theirs where they potray the heroes and the villains are by the Asians.

Remember the Journey To The West ( Forbidden Kingdom as they called it), notice how the true hero is the white kid? and it's him who gets the Asian chick? and how Asians always potray the bad dudes?

And now comes Dragonball which is like the most awesome, coolest and funny anime to their hand and again another white kid plays our sayang Son Goku. Whats up with that? What is it up with them with just letting an Asian potraying a hero in the anime that's supposed to be OURS at the first hand anyway? Even the name is Japanese and someone actually asked in this site I saw that they never mention Goku was Asian right? That was really stupid!.

Not stopping at Goku, now Chi Chi (the heroin and Goku's future wife) is potrayed by a hot Asian chick!

And Bulma is potrayed by Emma Rossum

How can Justin Chatwin potray Goku lah honestly? I saw the posters and pictures for the movie today, and I was seriously dissapointed by everything. From the start till the bottom. I know that what i was hoping for didn't happen again this time for an Asian movie but i think this is just a bit too much.

The potrayal of Americans as heroes and our people as the baddies are really not going to a halt. Even in their movies, where there is a war, other races other than theirs are always potrayed in a discrimanate way where they goody we baddy.

For example, 30 or 40 years back whenever the Red Indians are mentioned, everyone would potray them as people with tomahawks, weird colouring all over the bodies and a pickaxe. Only now when they are in a smaller amount, discriminated, lost some of their culture and land, going as far as losing the America that was rightfully theirs that our liberal conscience tells us that 'Hey maybe they were not that bad right'. Are we going to wait for ourselves to be like that and then baru keluar movies like Dances With Wolves where ironically once again, an American potray the hero (Kevin Costner). May we be aware that liberal conscience is a manipulative and changing aspect and is never permanent.

I'm not tryng to say that westerners should not indulge themselves in other cultures. For me thats a good thing and it is through experiencing of cultures can we actually gain understanding among ourselves in a way globalising this world where the issue of money, technology and rapid materialistic development does not come into hand. What I'm tryng to say is there should be a limit where we must be proud and potray our Anime with our own people in it and not Americans potraying a Japanese hero.

It is just too much of on-screen discrimination!

P.s aiyo, Stephen Chow not going to be Roshi lah weyh, so dissapointed, He would've been perfect for it!! xD. Go Stephen Chow! He's making Kung Fu Hustle 2! Oh behave babe :P and i want to see Muallaf :(.

Oh Gosh iv got the most exciting and coolest link for you all today oh dear beloved readers!

Presenting the link for The Self-Proclaimed Most Handsome Guy (but looks ugly)


Okay well I personally don't like hypocrites. So lets settle the controversy there!

But i just have to do this cause people makes mistakes sometimes in life too right?
I feel like so going to criticize that Steven Lim person. Wait, I'm not feeling it. I am going to do it! WACHAH!

Here we go ;D..

Haiyo, seriously. How lame and stupid can a person get actually?
It was so obnoxious the way he was so full of pride claiming to be the most handsome guy on earth.

Eh, please ah, I'm telling you all in a very serious manner, even if you take a dog, chop its head off, then put inside the blender, take Edud Ohlmert's vomit and blend it together, take the intipati go give Reynolds to eat it, then force Reynolds to vomit out the stuff back and then mix the concoction with George W.Bush's vomit then put it inside a blender and add in some CJ7's turd then blend it and take whatever is produced freeze it and smack in on Ariel Sharron's (who's dead by the way , i thank you ) and it will still look far super duper awesomely extremely better good looking than that Steven Lim fellow.
Okay that was a bit tad too evil. But being nice is not that much fun anyway right?

Eheh, so come on. This has really got to be the most lame person who does a website just to showcase their kisses, body and ugly face. I don't really get it or maybe he's just being stupid. Well, look at his face and that smile. It's like some drug yard junky who just got circumcised! You know even Brad Pitt who is like one of the sexiest guy in the world doesn't do such a shameful thing. Heck even our Mr.Sexiest-Guy-The-Year Hugh Jackman doesn't do that. What a thick faced idiot.

And how come Singaporeans can actually fall for such a person! Memang their Mineral(pee) water already contaminated their brain i think.

Okay that's all i feel like humiliating him in my blog. I'm watching CJ7 right now, I'm at the part where the dad is going to die. Argh! so sad that scene :(.

Okay ciao and STEVEN LIM SUCKS!

You know there's this bad habit of humans ( which may include me too) that i really hate.

Every single time everything looks fine they stop. They stop and do nothing whereas before this they act like crusaders marauding against the enemy as if they cant stop. When any critical issue rises, everyone starts worrying and rise up saying whatever this and whatever that. They start fighting for the poor, planning their boycotts and protesting on the streets. But when one small good thing happens, they let their guard down and act as if everything is totally fine!

Why am i writing like some kind of a pessimist you might wonder?

Well, remember about the cease fire announced by Israel? Well it happened on Monday and thank Allah it did. The Israel government are currently withdrawing its troops from Gaza and is nearly completion by Wednesday. Hamas too has declared their end of the bargain by announcing their ceasefire. Thank goodness for that too.

However, people around the world( majority of them) are starting to act as if none of this ever happened. From the start everyone was so against the American government and Israel government, but now? No one is saying anything just because Barack Obama has already been inaugurated yesterday ( congratulations to him) and Israel has finally announced the ceasefire.

This however should not stop any of our feelings to what had happened. The feelings of anger and determination should not waver away from our heart. The western countries and the western blocks should now know and understand that we are not the sorts who will stop at anything let alone a small case of inauguration or ceasefire for when we do so, we are nothing but like a hippo yawning when disturbed and sleeps again when it is not.

We must continue our fight and let the world know of the revolution that is to come.

A revolution that signals the coming of human rights.

A revolution that signals the ripeness of peace.

A revolution that signals the condemn of war.

As a friend of mine has once mention ( and likes to mention)

When the sambil lewa attitude stops, the killing can too...

Baiklah, pada kali ini saya ingin menulis didalam bahasa kebangsaan kesayangan saya. Untuk mereka yang terlalu bersikap barat dan tidak menyayangi bahasa kebangsaan mereka atau memang bodoh ,saya tidak risau sebab anda tidak memahami saya memanggil anda bodoh sebab anda tidak faham apa yang saya katakan, tidak mengetahui bahasa ini, sila baca tersebut :

I just want to write in my beloved national language okay? Savvy? (LOL, notice the savvy word? i got the Kong flu now :P )

Baik! Mari kita mulakan tentang apa pendapat saya tentang hari ini. Hmm, saya rasa mungkin tidak ingan menulis tentang hari ini sangat kerana hari ini terlalu bosan dipenuhi dengan dengkuran tidur saya yang amat merdu.

Sepatutnya saya ingin ke sekolah kerana ingin meminjamkan baju rasmi Kadet Remaja Sekolah saya kepada Nabilah tetapi kerana beberapa masalah terpaksa membatalkan hasrat tersebut.

Sudah lama tidak mendengar berita daripada Shah ( sebenarnya beberapa hari saja) tapi memang saya langsung tidak memangggilnya melalui apa cara maka tidak hairanlah.

Rase seperti ingin mengambil beberapa kelas tambahan kerana ibu baru menanya jika saya ingin mempelajari sudoku tapi kena lihat dulu kerana jadual saya penuh dengan masa untuk tidur dan tidur it teramatlah penting!

Baiklah itu sahaja untuk sekarang, ingin melihat cerita "Storm Riders"! Ya, cerita Cina tahu 1998 itu. Haha, saya rasa amat lawak terhadap tahap grafik mereka tetapi dulu saya mengaguminya.

Baik baik! itu sahaja!

Au Revoir!


Good Evening bloggers and readers! Haha, i was reading a blog post from my friend just now and well he was talking about saying sorry and making it sincere and stuff. He talks crap annoyingly a lot so i don't care much about it. I read it cause i was surfing and there swoosh! its his! tadaaa. Like that.

Anyways, what i was surprise though was when he wrote Israel forgiving the Palestinians!

Oh gosh! I'm so surprised at how humans can be so arrogant and liberal minded. Its clear that he doesn't know of what actually happened in the case of this war which predates back to even 1948. Okay so I'm not a historian myself so what do i know right?

Well check for yourself what actually happened cause in my opinian the Israel zionist doesn't actually have the rights to forgive Palestine or even ask for forgiveness let alone sit down and negotiate for peace in which the terms would definitely be more in their favour!

Even Farish A.Noor himself said once in this talk i intended that until Israel has been blown up and left only 10% of its soil, land and population then he would say that it is fair for them to sit together to negotiate.

Well the lesson in this is.....entahla. Saya saja hendak tulis sebab yang dimana saya pun tidak mengetahui! haha, gotcha there eih lad? :P.

Actually whenever we want to write something we should just check our resources thats all. Please don't write insolent crap. And don't worry I'm not saying anyone is stupid, I'm just saying careful and everyone makes mistake so no fret!

:). Please and thank you.

I am seriously tired of a could've been

It hurts

Hey everyone! The Kong and Ashman Theatre Company has now reopened! Sorry for the long hiatus but i guess i accidentally forgot and just remembered it when i saw something VERY weird that dayy. Anyways, heres the link :


Heres a brief info on the blog:

Welcome to our blog site. This blog was created with the intentions of exposing the Malaysian thoughts to many in a non-political nor negative manner. We publish writings by ANYONE of any age. We believe that intelligence can come in many forms and not only by age but is rarely heard hence it is our intention to let it be heard. So fellow Malaysians, open up your minds and start typing :).

We accept writings on any issue. Political and negative issues shall not be attended to and deleted immediately

Anyone interested in submitting their writings may send it to either

Ashman : ash_nightmares@hotmail.com


Kong Chia Yew : kchiayew_133@hotmail.com

Kongs Semarak Theatre Opening Speech! (this is just for fun :P )
Writing has been a communication tool for aeons to overcome one problem, miscommunication. The Kong and Ashamn Theatre Company thus wants to create a platform where intelligentsia (meaning anyone who can call themselves humans) post up postings on anything under the sun that needs to be presented. Any topic except lewd and politicaly malicious ones are allowed.

We believe that we are providing a middle path to those who want their views heard but don't want to get addicted to blogging (because it is exactly that).

Let thought transpire through your veins, let imagination fill the crevices of your axons, and let your literacy take flight like a phoenix from the dead :P. You are entering the THOUGHT DOMAIN.

Anti-Establisment, a human perception which has now surface much clearly especially after the March 8 elections. If you were to backstep in general, the Pakatan Rakyat has so called "won" the elections just because the previous goverment has lost 5 states to them. The parliament now holds a bigger number of opposition MP's rather than the previous ones.
It cannot be denied that their victory has proven that the federal Barisan Nasional goverment are now facing a difficult time as the mind set of Malaysian changes. Every now and then you can hear various non-govermental organizations, members of parliament and people alike doing street protest let it be peaceful or not. The voices of the people are now bigger that it ever was since the 1969 racial riots. The citizens of Malaysia are tired of the indescency of the previous administrators who indulge in their special privilige rather than attending to the matters of the peoples concern. Power was abused and justice was abandoned.

Tired of this, the people of Malaysia opted in voting for new and some even way younger politicians as to give them a chance after the previous failed them. Malaysians are now becoming more matured in some ways revolutianizing themselves to become masters of their descisions rather than the previous goverment who has forgotten their path in serving our nation for it is when we say serving the nation, it is serving the people of this land and soil. Hurrah to Malaysians alike!

Although good in their intentions, however, the people have inevitably given much confidence to the opposition in addressing matters of the citizens in the parliament giving them the confidence in showing their thoughts and ideas on every issue discussed in the parliament.

But this however is giving an unexpected result as the opposition is being more
and more ridiculous in their "crusade". Opposition MP's are unfortunately being more over-confident and VERY anti-establisment in their views. Every single matters discussed and every single idea given are ALWAYS rebutted or refutted by the opposition ket it be good or bad.

Now we understand that it is their duty as to oppose the goverment. Numerous things are different starting form their stands and their views. No surprise in that. However is it really necessary for them to deny even good ideas by the federal goverment? Sometimes theres this immature aspect of politicians. For them the concept is this,( in simple terms ofcourse)

'Whatever it is that my enemy says, i hate it, i despise it, and i shall always deny it'

This is a crystal clear example of anti-establishment. Anti-establisment ( or AE as i prefer writing it cause its really annoying to write it a lot of times) can be put in a way as when one goes againts whatever ,and when i say whatever i mean whatever, it is that another person says, they are againts it, good or bad. This i believe is wrong, stupid and immatured for as a country, the goverment and opposition are suppose to be working together though in a weird in peculiar way. The role of the opposition in the parliament is to oppose the goverment in which their ideas and discisions taken can then be much better. I believe that the opposition is the liberal conscience of the goverment which is good cause only then the Federal goverment can actually make appopriate choices parallalising with the people of Malaysia themselves.

However, this role has seem to be forgotten as their mind is working towards anti-establisment. I remembered reading in the News Straits Times this month that when asked upon if PR would be disbanded, a PR member affirmed that because of their component party members ( PAS,PKR and DAP) HATRED towards BN, they would never or could ever be disbanded and it is this aspect which unites the component members. I seriously don't care much about their hatred because I'm an honest political atheist, though it would seem that hatred isn't much a good aspect used even in any
terms remember John Lennon "All We Need is Love"? Haha, anyways back, but this however disturbs me as it seems that they are implying that they will always go againts the federal goverment. Hatred is a huge word if used and clearly politicans should be careful in using it. I'm not saying that they do but I am saying that they might.

It is sad to see when a good idea gets shot down just because of unsimilar establishment. Anti-establishment can be seen as an immature side of politics which bring total ruin towards good ideas and options critical to the moment. It becomes
apparent that when such side of politic prevails, Malaysia shall lose out in becoming better. When good ideas or thought are denied, where can there be progress?

Remember the story 'Singapura Dilanggar Todak'? Remember when the boys ideas was ridiculed by the ministers? That is a classic example of AE as the perception of that time was biased againts everyone other than the ideas of the Sultan and ministers. AE people are selfish as they only care about their own ideas and never considerate of others. This is often mirrored in debaters who would never ever agree with the opposing side regardless of anything. If one tells them that
fishes can live in water only, another would say no and comes up with some ridiculous point which most of the time would be convincing. This is if you want to know the most annoying part of debaters. Clear example of anti-establishers.

Thus anti-establishment is not what we need in our leaders. Thats all. Simple.

Okay, my eyes feels heavy, Wargames just finished and Matthew Broderick looked quite good looking and less...plumpy than he is now.
Last night i was watching movies till 3.oo AM. Fracture was really good cause the story line felt very original. The way they ended with the case reopened in court opened an eye to how smart the tupai(squirrel) jumps he still falls. Anthony Hopkins can play superbly in cold, intelligent and cool killers. Trust me, you would be really surprised by the way the evidence was lost when it was under their nose and it was them who 'helped' orchestrated everything!

I just watched The Bridge to Terabithia and i guess it was nice-lah but i felt really sad when Leslie died. Zooey Deschanal ofcourse looked cute and it was just perfect she playing the role of the hot teacher the small guy likes. Haha. I wasn't happy with Leslie's death though but well, its just a movie right?
Reminded me of Moulin Rouge's ending. Didn't like it too but again, its just a movie.

Anyways! that Zhariq ah, now I've got to go Giant alone to get a new Internet line andd im so annoyed with children. Well CERTAIN children. Spoilt ones lah. Haih. Being forced to watch cartoons here people! Can't stand it -_-'.

Save meeee--e--e-e-- :echoes:
Oh cool it echoes-choes-choes-oes-oes-es-es-s :echoes:
Okay gotta stop now-ow-ow-w :echoes:

Haha, that was crappy. Ciao! :).

Ku Hye Sun :

This is the most stupid and crappy post i have ever done ;).
Just wanted to try it-lah.
Nothing to do what.

Its FUN!

You know the shelling at UN HQ in Gaza?

The bombs contained white phosphorus

Crazy bastards trying to bred mutants or something?

** sources by Yahoooooo news

Once again Israel has stirred up the anger of UN as it shell bombed the UN headquarters in Gaza strip which held many refugees safe. As safe as we hoped and thought it would be, bombed it was. There was not any death however the food supply for the Palestinian refugees are now lost. A clear tactic to halt essential foor for the refugees survival.

I refuse to believe that it had been a mistake considering the technology and precisivness of a F-15 combat aircraft.

I had a dream just now.

After they left giving up, me and him picked up the figures and she just lie there on the sofa. I looked at her and while playing around with another small telescope, we talked, all three of us, of things which I can’t remember.

She uttered something in small anger and he went outside off somewhere else for a while but not before closing the door. She said something to me.
And I told her back “I promise”
“Say it like you mean it”

Then I lift myself up from the chair and went next beside her to the level of her face. She was closing her eyes perhaps sleeping. Clearly she was in her mid twenties and i felt as if i was just 18. I did not know if she was aware of me being there. I looked at her face. I took one last look and moved closer to her lips.

“I promise you” and kissed her to only wake up in reality once again.

None of those people are those that I know, but I do wish I'll get to see her face again. Even if it's from far.

Haha, thats my little cousin! cute kan? who knows, she might be the next Santana aka Guitar prodigy!

Its been long since i wrote a normal human like post so here goes!

I just came back from surau for prayers( now's zohor mind you :] ), and you know what i saw!? there was this small kid on top of a car singing something weird!
and then i looked at him and i gave that ...wow... look so suddenly he peeked inside his gate and say, "hey see that guy! " as if I'm the one that's doing something weird!
Hahahaha, i just think thats funny :). That was it-lah, yup thats it.
Anyways, i might be going to school not sure when since Nabilah wants to use my KRS uniform for a while.
Last Monday i saw Kong and Ken Vin on TV3 with Mahathir sitting next to each other! Hahahaha, Kong sudah majulah now gets to sit next to his wife. Yeah, we consider Tun as his wife. Want to know why? ask him! okay you can ask me but i don;t feel like answering right now.
Oh crap, Shah is going to come and needs me to pass back his thumbdrive, he came today and as usual forgot to take it, AGAIN. Haha, memang lah suami Wing Yan ini. Lets just hope he wont forget his wife next time :P.lol.

Okay, byeee, Shah waiting.

OH CRAP! i just noticed my zip is not zipped properly even before i went Surau ><.

There was this joke made in Rowanda during the genocide

If a person is killed
we put the murderer in jail

If 10 person was killed
we put the mass murderer on trial

If 1000 person was killed
everyone starts saying "hey hey lets sit down and negotiate for peace"

get it? :)

As expected, Israel showed its defiance once again. This is ofcourse is something that does not come as a surprise knowig that afterall Isarel has ignored 30+ UN warnings before. The defiance of Israel has come as a sign of its arrogance and pride in this war. Its determination to complete this invasion shall bring nothing but death and destruction that has been tirelessly done by the Palestinians who are tryng to rebuild back their lives ever since 2006 when the ceasefire was agreed.

Now, some of you might still think that Hamas should not have fired those rockets to Israel eventhough their 6 men was killed. But did you know that the rocket fire was not meant to hurt/kill anyone which IT DID NOT.

Infact if you were to watch CNN you'll fine out that the rocket fire was fired and it hit the house of an illegal immigrant old woman which it only went through and made a hole lets say.........with a radius of 6cm?
Heres a joke, want to know what made the old illegal immigrant and the Israel goverment angry?

"They scared my dog"

Now where is the rationality and proportionality of their attacks towards the Palestinians in Gaza??

Honestly, i personally do not think what is being done is ever going to work, including the BOYCOTTING of western goods. Why not the boycott? simple, our country, and when i say country i mean the goverment and especially its citizens(us) are too much dependant on all their companies. For example, not buying a product would simply not just be boycotting because those millions of Malaysian workers who works with these foreign companies would then have to quit! Now where would they turn to? another local company? our local company does not have the capability nor the resources enough to afford all these worker let alone factory wokrers or office workers! Thats just a simple thought, how about the tax profits that our country has relied heavily on? clearly the profit of Malaysia would be damage and with the economic bubble just waiting to burst , Ya Allah help us!

With my criticism that clearly states my stand, i would like to propose a few ways, (don't know if its okay or not just a few suggestions, if bad do enlighten me, im a learner not a teach keyyyh :] )

1. Abolish presidential immunity worldwide
2. Abolish the Internatial War Laws and simply label war as a crime
3. The International Humanitarian Law should be revised and made as list of war crimes
4. Charge the president of Israel (Edud Ohlmert) and all of his cabinet with the charge of war as a crime and let Israel commence an immediate general election.The medium of this may be the International Court of Crime (ICC) with the Israel govt. as the accused and UN or OIC the accuser.
5. Sever several major high paying project ties with the United States companies and offering it to the Palestinian companies as to help them get back on their feet economically.
6. Increasing the number of Palestinian university students in Malaysia
7. Create a close relationship of medical resources and assistance with the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

These are several ways which i believe will not only help to deter war in the future but also to help the Palestinians as a whole after all the attacks.

To be continued..

P.s sorry i havent blogged bout war for 4 days, was busy with car and all ><.

Just came back from the forum, ill write bit by bit of what i learned from just now. It was coooool xD. Farish Noh is seriously the most calm humorous talking person i'v seen yet for these kinds of talks. Seriously enlightening weyh the talk. And we get to take a picture with Hishamuddin Rais the protester who went to London when they did the protests. Haha, he asked where were i from and he actually thought i was a lawyer! HAH! i should wear blazers more. lol. Okay, :yawns: feeling sleepy now. Selamat Malam (though i'll be sleeping with a heavy feeling of pity to the Paletinians who are being shot while i'm sleeping >< but when a man needs his sleep! He MUST get his sleep. Okay okay, banyak pulak tekan tekan nih.

Anyone with even the simple knowledge of chemistry knows that Phosphorus is a radioactive metal. Yesterdays news has informed that sharpnels found in the body of victims from Israel bombings contains phosphorus.

Just less than a week back they found Uranium in the sharpnels. What are they thinking?
Answer: Maybe they dont care? duh
Remember the aftermath of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Answer: Doubt if you do
Ever saw the pictures of those baby born with the side effects of radiation?
Answer: You should
Do you still want to just sambil lewa and dont care?
Answer: (put yes or no here)

I've picked my answer.Have you?

Yesterday Sime Darby has announced their cancelling of tryng to overtake the National Heart Institute(IJN). This comes as a very surprising and definitely positive move as i myself frankly never thought that Sime Darby would be as so wise and considerate towards the views of the public. It shows that Sime Darby being a semi-goverment company is indeed a reliable company which listens to the public. Since the announcement of intentions, Sime Darby has undergone intense complaints on their efforts towards it. In my opinians its because doing so would only undermine IJN's strength and will as it is one of the only public pride of Malaysia. Even Tun Mahathir himself had admitted the excellence of IJN and how no one complaints about it. Moreover, Sime Darby being a company would probably focus more on money making than the welfare of the people. Prices and cost might increase as their efforst of tryng to increasethe potential of IJN too. This would heavily effect the public as IJN is the only cardiology hospital which the people can afford. So i would like to express gratitude to Sime Darby for their wise action in cancelling their intentions.
You rack yaw! ;P

Finally it has been confirmed. With the release of statements by both Palestenian and Israel spokesperson claiming its replies of attacks to one another which led to todays unfortunate invasion process, Central News Network(CNN) has done a thorough research on what actually happened. As it turned out, it was ,without any doubt since the beginning, the Israels who first broke the ceasefire.

Two months ago in November, there was indeed an attack by an Israely raid which took out 6 Palestinian on a tunnel which was suspected being used for kidnapping of Israel soldiers. THAT was what set off the Palestinian rockets. This was taken not only from CNN but other news network such as theeconomist.com and etc etc. Moreover, the Israel sides (two months before the truce ended) started attacking other Palestinian spots and did not lift up the blockade to Gaza. The people in Gaza was left without fuel, medical equipments and even bread necessary for their survival.

If you dont trust what im saying and think its all corny crap please check out Miss Marina Mahathir dated Tuesday January 6th, 2009.
Heres the blogsite >>

If you were to continue listening on the the CNN recordings, you would have noticed what the other man was saying. He said that it was the Israelis right to attack since that tunnel was suspected of kidnapping their soldiers. Well, isn't it weird that an act of suspision can give a country the right to engage in a raid towards a neighbouring country? If that was to be true then may Allah show us the right path cause theres gonna be countless genocide in the world. America might as well engage with attacks againts the whole world considering that they're always suspicious of everyone. Example, remember when North Korea and Iran was going to start using nuclear to generate power? remember how America was suspicious and started threatening everyone? well i don't see South Korea and UK getting blown up now do we? Maybe its all too complicated if you were to back step and remember those so how bout IRAQ? Well wheres the "weapon of mass destruction" gone to? hmm...its interesting how rash humans can be.

Let us learn firmly that suspicion should lead to discussion and further investigation and not hurried attacks. Now the lesson takes its toll as the death of innocent Palestinians rises each mounting second. What the Israel has been telling are all lies and stupid remarks as to turn the world againts the Palestinians. And then the mentioning of "we had to do it" ? i mean what was that about? I think its seriously even clearer than a crystal that the man who said that regardless even if you put in him in ISA (haha) would agree with Israel attacking Gaza. CNN should have seriously put a person with more sense next time.

The UN security council should abolish the American govt. veto power(or any veto rights) as it is constantly standing in the way of good will. I am proud with the Malaysian goverment of atleast tryng to do as much as they can to help compared to the other goverments who seems to be doing..hmm...pretty much N-O-T-H-I-N-G as most of them are too scared to jeapordize their outer relations with Israel. Showing off their scaredy cat characteristic however was not the way of their people as people of numerous countries are going on protests againts the invasion which is what is right! I am however surprised though at the silence of the world crusader knight Barack Obama who seems to be saying nothing towards the current crisis. This may give a huge clue to us to what kind of leader he will be. But till then, lets just hope for the best. We should however not take an example of this and act with the proper response as to go againts the invasion.

Thats all for now, shall write later more :).


The second paragraph is credited to Yasmin Ahmad as it is taken from her blog, its an SMS/message sent by her friend Dr.Jemilah from MERCY Malaysia who are currently in Palestein,

"As I write this, in the last 15 minutes more than 20 bombs have fallen on Gaza, within the distance I can hear them. We are about 2 km from Palestine, and it is a case of so near and yet so far. Our five trucks are loaded with USD100,000 worth of valuable medicine, surgical sets, and disposable items, including syringes, intravenous infusions and bandages. We will wait till the bombings stop, and once the gate opens, we will try to push the goods through. While the Egyptian border has thankfully allowed aid to go through, the challenge is to wait for trucks from the Palestine side to come and collect the goods. For the past day, they have not been able to collect even life saving goods as Israel continues with land and air assaults. We will try our best and stay till we can assure our aid goes through"

As you all know that now Israel has already begun their 10 day scale of attack to so called stop the bombers of the Hamas. Their on-foot soldiers have begun the reign of terror with their MERKAVA main battle tank fast behind them. As you can see from the message above, even the volunteer efforts are being foiled. Is this really just about stopping the rocket fires or is it about Gaza itself? If it is about stopping the rocket fires once and for all then this is quite a heavy counter and a "brilliant" way to do so. But as the war continues and the death toll rises, I myself personally think that it isn't so. Such rocket fires could have been stopped if highlighted n the world news and talks done between the two coutries with ofcourse the monitoring of the UN secretary-general Ban-Ki Moon. Why do the Israel go so far as to destroy innocent lives, bringing terror and raining misery of innocents in Gaza? If put into a mathematical equation, this is as i interprete it lah, what the Israel way of thinking is,

1 Israel = perhaps lets say 100 innocent Palestinians?

this is clearly a wrong interpretation of countering terrorism. In this case itself, Israel has now become terrorist themselves. Death is not accountable with death. To justify the death of our people isnt thru the genocide or killings of many other innocents of the opposing side, but thru talks and intellectual discussions. As much as anyone would hate if they were to lose their loved ones, but death can never be replaced by another death! it is just, unjustified. The International Criminal Court (ICC) should do whatever it is in its power to prosecute the goverment of Israel for its unjustified attacks towards the people of Gaza.

Thats all for now, have to go to Surau for prayers! Please everyone, i don't expect for you to be extremely vocal about this, but every second you laugh, try to imagine what the children in Gaza is doing. They are as we are humans, they don't deserve whats happening. Please support our movement in opposing the war mongrels Israel.


Today i went to school back to settle some unfinish business and old "debts". Im proud to say that im a Sp-ian now.You see, starting from the past 2 years, Sri Permata has had tremendous changes from many aspect. Let it be its inrastructures to the disciplinary of students till the aptitude of students. The situation before this unfortunately i would have to say was regrettable. The APD room was always messy and the assembly grounds was sweatingly hot! I pity the studenst at block E because it was the worst of all due to the flowery smell which emanare from the near dumpsite. The only place which seems to be clean all the times( excepting the teachers room, office and staffroom) was perhaps the Bilik Kebal. Now this room was one of the only things that was interesting in our school. It houses the test papers for SPM and PMR and every year teachers from other schools would have to come and pick it up here. The cool thing is when a few policemen and that big MISC truck comes and everyone gasp with saliva from their mouth dropping hoping that we can just tak a peek at those papers! but oh well back to story, if simply put it, we SERIOUSLY were regretfully not doing a good job.

But the past 2 years have been great! With the installation of our new Headmaster Mr.Ong Hock Thye ( kongs 2nd GF after Mahathir :P ) we have had tremendous improvement. Our assembly grounds have been improved with a huge rooftop to cover our heads during sunny days, new paints on our walls, APD room has been cleaned and even the dumpsite now has a its own rooftop! i dont know how that would help, but it seems better now, lets just hope it wont get smelly anymore. Maybe one of the places in the school with the most improvement is the library where the old wooden tables have been replaced with new glass tables and the library card is now operating with technology and no more annoying pictures.

I can actually go on another few more pharagraph talking about the improvements that we have done, but the purpose im writing this is to thank all my seniors, my friends, my teachers and the staff members for lending in their support and help in achieving all this especially to Mr.Ong. Before i came to this school, i came in with fear of graduating from it, but now, im proud to say i graduated in this school, it'll stay on in my heart and i shall carry a memory of it in my heart forever. Im a proud sripermatian :).


As of today, the United Nations security council have failed yet again in worldwide history. It's attempt to secure a truce and ceasefire among the two Hamas and Israel side was blocked by the Matured and well intelligent United States. Handsome American deputy ambassador Alejandro Wolff responds "boldly" stating the United States saw no prospect of Hamas abiding by last week's council call for an immediate end to the violence. Therefore, he said, a new statement at this time "would not be adhered to and would have no underpinning for success, would not do credit to the council."

It is crystal clear that the present American administration led by the worldwide INFAMOUS George W.Bush is siding with the offensive strike by the Israel Forces. The war which had started ever since 1948 has since swelled up to what we can see today. Israel has pressed that the current attack are merely response to recent rocket fire from Palestinian militants and Palestinians stated that rocket fires were in response to Israel Siege of Gaza strip. Some wonder why is it that the Israelians were not able to protect themseleves from these attacks considering the amount of firepower they have. With a sheer mention of their nuclear (which America is not objecting to considering their objections to other nations having it especially Iran), Israel is one heck of an armed country. And if it happened, why was it never on the world news?

War is clearly just starting. As of to date, more than 300 death has been recorded with injuries amounting to more just by airstrikes. On-land offense had already been deployed. One can just wonder of how many more casualties that is to come. While you are reading this article and while i'm writing this, children in Gaza are running, fleeing and hiding scared in their own country by which their have born and grown in. In one second a child may lose their parents to Israel militants. Not stopping at that, the Israel militants has also COURAGEOUSLY attacked ambulance and any medical attempts. The prospect of this happening is devastating as this only results to more misery in which the world has been fighting againts. Now, we are people who sit like ducks at one spot playing our computers and listening to Alicia Keys so we can never undertstand what is happening. But what about those innocent childrean and civillians who are being killed by showers of bombs? While you were happily saying Happy New Year to each other and counting firecrackers, those people in Gaza are screaming in pain and terror counting the second before they die. While many in the world say that this new year celebration has been the bomb! but i say, this new year celebration has been the worst. People smiling here and there partying while at another small country, they are crying across the dead bodies of their loved ones. Its sad that we only remember terror when its on the news. Memang betul, Melayu mudah lupa.

Are the only lives worth caring about are the lives of developed and global countries? As Tun Mahathir has one said, war is about killing people. By killing we are not giving a value towards what life is. And by ALLOWING it, as what the United States are doing, it is even worse that not giving life a value. Only a nation of dogs and pigs would do so. Clearly the concept of law and global unity has failed. War is not the option. If war was the only option, then we are not yet civilised. War is primitive and is not the right option. Anything involved with the elimination of life itself can never be right.

The people in Gaza cannot defend themselves. The gap between the might of Israel’s F-16 bombers and Apache helicopters, and the Palestinians’ catapulty thing is so ridiculous that to try and portray the situation as between two equal sides requires the imagination of a children’s story writer*. Anyone who would know the Israel forces knows that their let their armory and their weapons of mass destruction are being funded and supplied by America. Which country has the same capability of supplying such firepower than them anyways? Is it really true the reason given by the American goverment? Or is there really a hidden agenda? Is it true that those attacks are just military response or is it that they are making reasons to catalyse an invasion? Clearly with the present administration of the supreme ruler George W.Bush, the worldwide community may never see a brighter future while veto power is abused. Hopefully with Barack Obama's leadership, we may see a change. But it shall only remain a dream until it happens. Maybe it is better for us to try something than rather to just talk and talk all day. Talking can closen world ties and save people, but in this case we need something more.

My heart goes to all the people in Gaza and my hatred goes to the whole of Israel and ofcourse deary bushy bushy.

Ashman :)

( im having something so this is all for today, shall write more when have time )

**John Francis Lee

I turned on my TV set just now to watch the usual tv3 news. Its sad to see the live footage of the killings in Gaza. You could see children mostly being the victims. Lately, it has been them mostly. Its reported that not only are normal buildings are being attacked, so are hospitals and other public places! ICU in hospitals are full of patients who has lost limbs and other injuries by the astrocities of Israel. In wards, the sound of the pulse machine are showing weak signs of hope. Children were crying. You could also see a small girl trembling in todays news.

I feel stupid and useless, i aint anything, im nothing. While they die, im having fun here. Is this justified?
We should do something, right now, anything. So support the movement to criminalise war, the least that we CAN do.

Please do visit and give your support, its the least we CAN.

Im making this new blog since i want to try starting new with a fresh mind and a not-so-fresh start. Sorry for the inconvinience :).
