Finally it has been confirmed. With the release of statements by both Palestenian and Israel spokesperson claiming its replies of attacks to one another which led to todays unfortunate invasion process, Central News Network(CNN) has done a thorough research on what actually happened. As it turned out, it was ,without any doubt since the beginning, the Israels who first broke the ceasefire.

Two months ago in November, there was indeed an attack by an Israely raid which took out 6 Palestinian on a tunnel which was suspected being used for kidnapping of Israel soldiers. THAT was what set off the Palestinian rockets. This was taken not only from CNN but other news network such as and etc etc. Moreover, the Israel sides (two months before the truce ended) started attacking other Palestinian spots and did not lift up the blockade to Gaza. The people in Gaza was left without fuel, medical equipments and even bread necessary for their survival.

If you dont trust what im saying and think its all corny crap please check out Miss Marina Mahathir dated Tuesday January 6th, 2009.
Heres the blogsite >>

If you were to continue listening on the the CNN recordings, you would have noticed what the other man was saying. He said that it was the Israelis right to attack since that tunnel was suspected of kidnapping their soldiers. Well, isn't it weird that an act of suspision can give a country the right to engage in a raid towards a neighbouring country? If that was to be true then may Allah show us the right path cause theres gonna be countless genocide in the world. America might as well engage with attacks againts the whole world considering that they're always suspicious of everyone. Example, remember when North Korea and Iran was going to start using nuclear to generate power? remember how America was suspicious and started threatening everyone? well i don't see South Korea and UK getting blown up now do we? Maybe its all too complicated if you were to back step and remember those so how bout IRAQ? Well wheres the "weapon of mass destruction" gone to? hmm...its interesting how rash humans can be.

Let us learn firmly that suspicion should lead to discussion and further investigation and not hurried attacks. Now the lesson takes its toll as the death of innocent Palestinians rises each mounting second. What the Israel has been telling are all lies and stupid remarks as to turn the world againts the Palestinians. And then the mentioning of "we had to do it" ? i mean what was that about? I think its seriously even clearer than a crystal that the man who said that regardless even if you put in him in ISA (haha) would agree with Israel attacking Gaza. CNN should have seriously put a person with more sense next time.

The UN security council should abolish the American govt. veto power(or any veto rights) as it is constantly standing in the way of good will. I am proud with the Malaysian goverment of atleast tryng to do as much as they can to help compared to the other goverments who seems to be doing..hmm...pretty much N-O-T-H-I-N-G as most of them are too scared to jeapordize their outer relations with Israel. Showing off their scaredy cat characteristic however was not the way of their people as people of numerous countries are going on protests againts the invasion which is what is right! I am however surprised though at the silence of the world crusader knight Barack Obama who seems to be saying nothing towards the current crisis. This may give a huge clue to us to what kind of leader he will be. But till then, lets just hope for the best. We should however not take an example of this and act with the proper response as to go againts the invasion.

Thats all for now, shall write later more :).



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