Good Evening bloggers and readers! Haha, i was reading a blog post from my friend just now and well he was talking about saying sorry and making it sincere and stuff. He talks crap annoyingly a lot so i don't care much about it. I read it cause i was surfing and there swoosh! its his! tadaaa. Like that.

Anyways, what i was surprise though was when he wrote Israel forgiving the Palestinians!

Oh gosh! I'm so surprised at how humans can be so arrogant and liberal minded. Its clear that he doesn't know of what actually happened in the case of this war which predates back to even 1948. Okay so I'm not a historian myself so what do i know right?

Well check for yourself what actually happened cause in my opinian the Israel zionist doesn't actually have the rights to forgive Palestine or even ask for forgiveness let alone sit down and negotiate for peace in which the terms would definitely be more in their favour!

Even Farish A.Noor himself said once in this talk i intended that until Israel has been blown up and left only 10% of its soil, land and population then he would say that it is fair for them to sit together to negotiate.

Well the lesson in this is.....entahla. Saya saja hendak tulis sebab yang dimana saya pun tidak mengetahui! haha, gotcha there eih lad? :P.

Actually whenever we want to write something we should just check our resources thats all. Please don't write insolent crap. And don't worry I'm not saying anyone is stupid, I'm just saying careful and everyone makes mistake so no fret!

:). Please and thank you.


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