Just came back from the forum, ill write bit by bit of what i learned from just now. It was coooool xD. Farish Noh is seriously the most calm humorous talking person i'v seen yet for these kinds of talks. Seriously enlightening weyh the talk. And we get to take a picture with Hishamuddin Rais the protester who went to London when they did the protests. Haha, he asked where were i from and he actually thought i was a lawyer! HAH! i should wear blazers more. lol. Okay, :yawns: feeling sleepy now. Selamat Malam (though i'll be sleeping with a heavy feeling of pity to the Paletinians who are being shot while i'm sleeping >< but when a man needs his sleep! He MUST get his sleep. Okay okay, banyak pulak tekan tekan nih.


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