A few weeks back after coming back from my QTI session from Cheras, a friend of mine and I noticed a car sticker. Well I was surprised at how stupid it sounded.

Minyak Hak Rakyat

And now as the 'rakyat' of Malaysia I feel ashamed at how astoundingly stupid some of us can get over time. Okay so I'm not a worker yet and so I don't know how it feels to be paying for petrol and diesels for my car.

But one thing that yet I can't understand is how can oil be our rights whereas we do nothing to sustain the cost, the burden, the worker wages and much more. It's not like the taxes that we pay are used to sustain for the Petronas oil rigs and the business it does with exporting oil. Whereas they( I don't know which idiot) would say that oil is the citizens rights, I would agree to say that oil is the markets rights.

Why is oil the markets rights? Because as the currency can only be manipulated through printing of money itself, so is that oil is controlled through the market prices. We can't actually go on about ranting on how expensive oil is when the market demands it so. And the market demands it so because the production of oil is decreasing. Matthew Simmons insisted that we are actually at the peak production of oil and after this we're going down a bull slope. And this effects the oil industry's market when oil shortages occurs. Prices increases and definitely the 'rakyat' wouldn't be happy! And what happens after that? Another series of protest and the government would again have to subsidies the oil prices. And is subsidisation the way we want to go whereas any economist knows that this way the rich are taking advantage while we're still struggling!

I'm not tryng to fight for the government here, what I am tryng to do is to correct the perception that we are having. Isn't it obvious that statements like Minyak Hak Rakyat is a political sentiment?

Do we need some cool kick-ass world idol to tell us that? Or can we just sit down relax and think properly?

I fear that as a citizen of Malaysia we are being toyed around by the politicians who takes advantage of situations where thinking needs to be done before actions. And it shall take its toll when the financial statements and budgets are negatively affected and shows an unfavourable result. Whereas our taxes are not as high as country in Europe where it reaches to even 45% of their wages.

I'm not a rich bit*h but I know better than to think like an uneducated person.


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